Past Year

CommuteCon I

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Switching Gears: Ensuring a Smooth Transition When Switching TDM Software Providers

Aubrey Iwaniw
Senior Advisor, Planning and Policy

Session Description

Aubrey Iwaniw has been involved in transportation planning for ten years, focusing on policies and programs that encourage alternatives to driving alone. As a Senior Advisor with Metrolinx, Aubrey leads the Smart Commute program that helps her manage 13 TMAs. Metrolinx is producing measurable results by encouraging transportation behaviour change of their 720,000 commuters connected to the Smart Commute program.

The Smart Commute Program has services that extend to:
13 Smart Commute offices in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area.
340 employers
720,000 employees and post-secondary students

RideAmigos has helped Metrolinx to develop its Smart Commute program, which uses social media platforms to track and match applications and digital communication campaigns. Its users are then informed of their alternative transportation options. What Aubrey calls her “cheat sheet” will provide relevant information to users/employers that are adapting to the UNITY platform from their previous digital program expectations.